For over 100 years, March 8, International Women’s Day, has served to celebrate the advancement of rights for women and girls and their achievements and successes, as well as being a call to continued action to address the still ongoing imbalance of gender equality in the home, educational institutions, workplace, and halls of power.
In Canada, despite the fact that women make up 50% of the population, women number only 29% of Members of Parliament. In BC, only 39% of MLA’s are women. At the local level, there are only two women on the seven member Vernon City Council.
We can do much to encourage and support girls and young women to want to pursue positions of leadership in politics, including:
1. Read books about notable women at home to boys and girls alike. The local library will be able to provide age-appropriate materials. This provides future possibilities for children.
2. Talk about women in political roles (even if you may not agree with their political stance). Point out their responsibilities and how important their position is for improving and running our society.
3. Encourage girls and young women to be courageous in challenging the status quo, and support them in doing so.
4. Enroll girls in a club, sport, or organization. Encourage them to run for student council or class president.
5. Be a mentor.
Let us take some time on March 8th to express our gratitude to, and our encouragement for, the women in our lives who have provided leadership to us. One could write a letter to a female Councillor, MLA, MP, or Cabinet Minister and thank them for the work they do for our city, riding, or country.
To find out what the experience of being a female politician is like, the Canadian Federation of University Women Vernon invites you to a virtual presentation by MLA Harwinder Sandhu, City Councillors Dalvir Nahal and Kari Gares, and Teresa Durning Harker, Constituency Assistant for MP Mel Arnold. The event takes place on March 8, at 7:00 PM. For more information, go to To register and receive a link to the presentation send an e-mail request to
On behalf of CFUW Vernon Board,
Barbara Van Sickle, Issues Convenor
Bev Weidman, Secretary