Coffee and Chat

For more information about CFUW Vernon and its Coffee and Chat activity, please complete the form found on the Contact Us page and a club member will answer any questions you may have.

These sessions are held on alternate Fridays, 10:05 am until noon, currently in the Okanagan Room on the 2nd floor of the Okanagan Regional Library in Vernon.  They are somewhat more formal than the name might indicate.  Apart from getting to know other members in a relaxed setting, these sessions involve self-moderated lively discussions of a topic decided in advance.  Discussion topics are selected by a member who prepares a brief opening overview then discussion ensues.    The Chair advises of the selected topic and questions for consideration a few days before the scheduled session.

Past topics include, 

  • Cell phones/smart phones and their impact on us and our society;    
  • Current scams, how to look out for them and how to protect yourself against them;
  • What does independent living mean to you?
  • Censorship and freedom of expression

© CFUW Vernon 2023