About Us

CFUW Vernon is a non-profit society formed in 1965; its basic purpose then and now is to advocate for the rights of women.  The club currently has 29 members.

We are women from a wide range of careers and professions who find fellowship in contributing to our community while being lifelong learners.  We support members in furthering their own learning by hosting speakers at our monthly  meetings and through special events.  We sometimes organize community forums, panel discussions, and other events on current issues.  We are also interested in making friends and having fun in our interest groups, and social events!

Our club is a member of the national federation CFUW as are about 90 other similar clubs located in various cities across Canada.  With respect to issues within BC’s jurisdiction, the 22 clubs located in BC fall within the umbrella organization CFUW BC Council.  

On the national and international levels, we work with and through our parent organization CFUW, which is headquartered in Ottawa.  Through CFUW we are also affiliated with Graduate Women International and other international organizations with similar purposes. CFUW holds special consultative status with the United Nations (ECOSOC) and belongs to the Education Committee of the Canadian Commission for UNESCO. CFUW regularly sends a delegation to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women. CFUW is the largest affiliate of Graduate Women International (GWI) which represents women worldwide.

In 2019, our club published Our Stories, Vignettes from Our Lives, a collection of writings from 29 of our members.  The proceeds of sale were donated to our scholarship fund with Okanagan College, for the benefit of students at the Vernon campus. 

© CFUW Vernon 2023