Why Become a Member?

Throughout history, great things have been achieved by groups of people working together.  CFUW Vernon offers you the opportunity to make a difference to your community as well as the broader community of Canada by working together with other women with  common goals.  We work through education and advocacy to improve the lives of women, we encourage women to excel in all fields of endeavor, and we strive to support women in difficult times.

Our local program has created annual scholarships for women at Okanagan College.  We also support the Archway Society for Domestic Peace at Christmas and throughout the year.

If you want to meet other women who care about issues affecting women, come and check out CFUW Vernon!  If you want to make friends, check out our wonderful Special Interest Groups. 

Our annual membership fee is $90 with a reduction to $40 for students.

If you have any questions, please email us at vernoncfuw@gmail.com

Click here to download a membership form – simply complete it and bring it to our next monthly meeting, or contact us via the form on the Contact us page.  We look forward to getting to know you.

Testimonials regarding membership

Barbara VS  (wife, mother, former real estate sales person, & teacher):  For women looking to enrich their lives, I highly recommend joining CFUW Vernon.  Joining CFUW Vernon has been one of my best decisions since moving here with my husband several years ago.    My initial goal of meeting interesting women and expanding my knowledge of our new hometown was quickly fulfilled with a friendly welcome & offer of a ride to the next meeting of the CFUW Vernon bookclub.  That meeting enticed me to become a member of the club.  Monthly meetings, discussions at the Coffee & Chat interest group and the bookclub have helped me bond with other members and encouraged investigations on current situations.  These have been enjoyable, stimulating and have given me cause to reflect on my life.  I derive security from the network and get comfort in reciprocating. Working on different committees at both the local and the national levels has expanded my confidence, knowledge and sense of fulfilment and connection. 

Donna T:  Shortly after my husband and I moved to Vernon from Alberta, a neighbour took me to one of the club’s general meetings.  There I had an opportunity to see and listen to women from a variety of walks of life but similarly situated in terms of being retired from their respective careers.  It was plain to see that, for these women, retirement from a career did not mean retirement from meaningful engagement with life’s many challenges for women and children and particularly for those less fortunate than we found ourselves to be.  I signed up that same day and have, with gratitude,  been broadening my horizons ever since. 

 Marie L:  Although I have lived in Vernon for many years, career and family needs kept me from committing to local clubs. Having joined the Vernon club, I have had the opportunity to learn about a variety of relevant topics through our monthly meetings. Our membership reflects people with a wide array of interests, experiences and passions. The unique interest groups provide access to meet others in different settings. CFUW is active in many fronts, and generously supports students at OKUC and SD#22 to enable post secondary studies. Our club has much to offer… why not come and check us out…we would welcome your interest.

© CFUW Vernon 2023