The member clubs of CFUW are encouraged to use their expertise to bring about change, with particular reference to women’s issues such as violence against women, early learning and child care, education, economic prosperity and the empowerment of women as leaders and decision-makers. At the provincial level, BC Council connects clubs across the province. At the national level, the federation provides resources and support to its members to carry out this work at the local and provincial levels but also at the national level. CFUW also works on a global level for the adoption and implementation of international agreements that will protect all women and girls.
Resolutions desired to become the policies advanced by the respective clubs have their first start at the local club level. Once formulated there, the resolutions are presented and debated locally, then possibly provincially or nationally. Where advanced at the provincial level, the resolutions are debated and voted on at the annual AGM of CFUW BC Council. Where advanced at the national level, they are debated and voted on at CFUW’s AGM. If adopted, the resolutions become the policies which are advanced to various levels of government. At the national level, CFUW advocates and lobbies the appropriate ministry or department in accordance with these policies. At the provincial level, this can be done by the regional organization, CFUW BC Council or by the clubs active in BC. The individual clubs engage with local and provincial issues.
… In spite of these advances, societies need to do more to reduce the incidence and degree of GBV. For most of us, this means we have to be stronger in our commitment to the elimination of GBV. For those of us who are able, we can give financial support to transition houses and organizations and movements that work to eliminate GBV. We can pressure the relevant levels of government to ensure that adequate funding is provided for victims of violence to have safe places and sufficient time to recover from the trauma of the violence. We can model behaviour reflecting respect for women and aversion to violence as a solution to relationship problems. We can help educate our children and our grandchildren on how to build healthy relationships. We can call out the abusive behaviour when we are witness to it. We can support those we have reason to believe are victims of GBV by listening and showing compassion, providing information regarding supports and counselling, and encouraging the perpetrators of violence to seek counselling. The big danger of a longstanding campaign and its frequent refrain is that of desensitization. We may have heard the call often, but may not have always acted on it. Action is necessary: we are all safer socially, culturally, and economically when violence is reduced. [This is an excerpt from our article, published in the Vernon Morning Star, November 30, 2024.]
Bev Weidman, CFUW Vernon, written in recognition of and support for IWD 2024:
International Women’s Day celebrates the achievements of women around the world, both individually and corporately, in all areas of society. We are reminded of the difficulties and obstacles that women have faced in the pursuit of gender equality in the past, and the challenges that still exist today. As well, we look into the future with hope for a time when women will attain equal participation with men in society for the betterment of all. For most of history, women were denied the power to participate in …
Wondering what you can do to help end gender-based violence? Here are some suggestions!
1. Reducing Residential Energy Consumption by Enacting a Clothesline Act for British Columbia. By club: CFUW Kelowna
2. Restore and Preserve British Columbia’s Peatlands.
By club: CFUW North Delta / Surrey
3. Social Housing in BC: Transparency and accountability for BC Housing and its partners. By club: CFUW North Vancouver
In 2024, the Canadian Federation of University Women formally changed its name to CFUW, in recognition of the fact that it’s membership is open to all women who support its purposes, mission and values, regardless of education level achieved. CFUW’s vision is of a strong national organization working to ensure that all girls and women have equal opportunities and equal access to quality education within a peaceful and secure environment where their human rights are respected.
The vision includes a world where poverty is reduced, discrimination eliminated, where there are equal opportunities for leadership, employment, income, education, careers and the ability to maximize potential.
Below are more specific statements of the goals and vision of CFUW, as set out in it’s website under the Advocacy tab at
Goal: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Vision: Women and girls are educated and empowered to make transformative change in the world.
Goal: Equity and Social Justice
Vision: Ending poverty in all of its forms; availability of decent work and economic growth opportunities, with access to affordable housing and child care.
Goal: Safe and Healthy Communities
Vision: Preservation and stewardship of the environment; Peaceful and inclusive societies with access to justice for all.