Our next club meeting (with our featured speaker Evan Berger, mental health clinician, on the alternate education program Take a Hike) is on February 24, 2025.
The Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW) Vernon is the local chapter of CFUW, a federal organization that welcomes ALL women who support its purposes, mission, and values. Since its founding in 1919, CFUW has been working to improve the status of women and to promote human rights, public education, social justice, and peace. CFUW is a non-partisan, voluntary, self-funded organization with over 90 Clubs, of which Vernon is one, located in every province across Canada. 2019 was CFUW’s 100th Anniversary!
At the local level, we work to support and advocate for women’s rights. We encourage life-long learning for ourselves and for others and we aim to have fun in the process. Non-members are welcome to join us at an event or two while considering membership. Check out our events and activities page.
1. Promote high standards of public education in Canada, advanced study and research by women, and a sound concept of lifelong learning.
2. Advocate for the advancement of the status of women, human rights and the common good locally, nationally, and internationally.
3. Promote cooperation, networking, support and understanding among women.
4. Encourage women to apply their knowledge and skills in decision-making in all areas of life.
Our Regular Activities:
Our club has four regularly scheduled activities: monthly meetings with featured speaker, an Outdoors Club meeting weekly, Coffee and Chat group bi-weekly and the Book Club monthly.
Our meetings are held at the Schubert Centre, 3505 30th Ave, Vernon, BC, generally on the third Monday of every month (excluding June-August and December) from 10:30 am until noon unless the date is a statutory holiday. In that case, the meeting will be scheduled for the following Monday.
Our monthly meetings provide an opportunity for members to participate in club business and further their own learning through informative speakers. They also provide an opportunity for members to socialize with each other. Notice of meetings and the scheduled speaker is published in the Vernon Morning Star as well as on a number of social media sites, should members of the public wish to attend to hear the featured speaker. Reasonable fees are charged for refreshments of coffee, tea and muffin.
Information regarding any of our activities may be obtained through a request via our Contact Us page. Details regarding featured speakers and the Book Club’s reading list as well as some pictures of excursions of the Outdoors can be found on our Activities page.