Our club holds four regularly scheduled activities.  Apart from carrying out the business of the club during our general meetings, a speaker is also featured.  Our Outdoor Club group gets together weekly, the Coffee and Chat group bi-weekly and the Book Club monthly.  

We hold monthly general meetings September through May, excluding December.  These are held at the Schubert Centre, 3505 30th Ave, Vernon, BC, on the third Monday of every month from 10:30 am until noon unless the date is a statutory holiday.  In that case, the meeting will be scheduled for the following Monday.  

Our monthly meetings provide an opportunity for members to participate in club business and further their own learning through informative speakers.  They also provide an opportunity for members to  socialize with each other.  Notice of meetings and the scheduled speaker is published in the Vernon Morning Star as well as on a number of social media sites, should members of the public wish to attend to hear the featured speaker.  Reasonable fees are charged for refreshments of coffee, tea and muffin.  

Information regarding the speakers for the current fiscal year, the Book Club’s reading list and some pictures of excursions of the Outdoors can be found by clicking on the relevant button shown on this page.